On November 23, 2021 Dane County Public Health issued an emergency order for wearing face covering until January 3, 2022. What this means for people who gather at NGMLC is when a large group gathers, face coverings are required. While more people are eligible to be vaccinated, the number of people with covid-19 and the number of people who are hospitalized because of covid-19 have continued to increase.
As we gather in an enclosed space where people who are not from the same household are present, face covering is required for every individual over the age of two (2). We will continue to post signage stating such.
We continue to rely on guidance and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC), along with the Wisconsin Council of Churches (WCC).
In Luke’s Gospel Jesus states, “Do you want Me to tell you what the kingdom of God is like? It’s like some yeast which a person hid within a huge quantity of flour; soon the whole batch of dough was rising.” ~ Luke 13:20-21 The Voice Translation
— November 27, 2021
NGMLC Church Council