Music Programs

Our music groups happily welcome all new members, whether experienced musicians or beginning performers, so if you have not participated in music groups in the past, please know we love seeing new faces as our programs expand. There are no auditions for membership, just a willingness to serve God and the church community! If you are interested in being involved with the following groups, please contact Elaine Jaeke or Bill Dickman. We both can be reached at the church, 608.846.9711.

Bill Dickman, Music Director –

Praise Band and Vocals

We are a group of vocalists and musicians ranging from middle school through adult age performing music in a Contemporary Christian and traditional style. This is an exciting and energetic group to be a part of, and we welcome all new members enthusiastically! Practices are currently held before Sunday morning worship services.

Music JAM Sessions

Join with on the second Sunday of each month following worship as we get together for jam sessions, playing a variety of music. Instruments for vocals, we look forward to this time together. For more information, please contact Bill Dickman @

Chancel Choir – Rehearsals resume Tuesday, September 10, 2024

We’re a mixed choir that has grown to approximately 15 members. We always welcome new faces! The Chancel Choir sings at least once a month, September through May, at the Sunday morning worship services, as well as additional performances during Lenten/Easter and Advent/Christmas seasons.  Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., September through May. Join us in September as we prepare special music for Pastor Stacy’s last Sunday, September 29!

Special Music Solo and Ensemble Groups

Soloists and small groups regularly perform at our church services. We are blessed to have several volunteer musicians who share their talents with the congregation and enhance our worship experience. We also welcome student musicians to provide prelude, offertory, and communion music. If you are interested in performing as a soloist or as part of a small ensemble, please contact Bill Dickman or Elaine Jaeke.