Saturday COVID-19 Update

Posted on March 14, 2020 - Uncategorized

Updated March 14, 2020 11:20 a.m.


Executive Council Team has come to the difficult decision to cancel physical, in person worship and programming effective tomorrow, Sunday March 15, 2020.  As this is a continually fluid situation, we have known that cancelling physical gatherings would be a possibility and we want to remind everyone that this is being done as a preventive measure to lessen the potential for spread.  With the new cases in Sun Prairie, these next weeks are a critical time to slow the spread.

We have the ability to livestream, and will use that this weekend.

Please share this news with people you know who don’t regularly check emails or go on Facebook.

In the meantime,

  • Please continue to support one another via phone calls or text messages.
  • Pray for our medical professionals.
  • Call to check in with family members and neighbors who are at greatest risk.
  • Continue to wash hands thoroughly and often. 
  • Continue to wash hands thoroughly and often. 
  • Continue to reference the Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization and Wisconsin Department of Health
  • Self-quarantine and call your doctor if you experience COVID-19 symptoms.

Our situation is very different than Isaiah’s people who had been deported from their homeland and were living in a foreign land.  And God’s people heard Isaiah repeat three times: Do not fear. (Isaiah 41: 10, 13, 14) .  Isaiah’s words are words which we can lean into as we practice caution these next weeks.

We will continue to share information as we receive it.

Pr. Stacy

Helen Brausen, Council President

Johnna Georgia, Council Vice President

Tricia Johnson, Council Secretary